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The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology (2 Year Plan of 2017-2018)

The project towards the direction of various operational procedures to execute the security of public nuisance dispute handling process, included necessary inspection of areas, estimation of damage and collection of evidences. Therefore, the public nuisance dispute information management system had provided necessary appraised information for public user and regularly strengthen the public nuisance handling information or rules for the Enviromental Protection Burea (EPB) to follow. The project of operational methods was devising the public nuisance dispute information management system for public and function of cell phone, that updated the information regularly. The project had finished 12 publicity conferences for public nuisance dispute to the EPB in Taiwan, the results produce 15 case analysis suggestions, a damage of estimation, the publication of Chinese and English versions of brochures, training materials, public nuisance dispute incident emergency contingency response process standard operating procedure amendment, public nuisance dispute handling case reference manual. It also finished 6 pubic nuisance dispute handling system operations and education training and 2 nationwide seminar for public nuisance dispute handling during 2017 to 2018. Finally, the project had collected 51 case for public nuisance dispute widely, included dispute of law, reasons of compensation, the evidences recognized, 5 public nuisance dispute case occurrence reports. This project also provided the case of civil mediation, emergency management, mediation, arbitration for the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) referred during 2006 to 2018.
Public Nuisance , Public Nuisance Disputes, Public Nuisance Appraising